
Using Feeds

Feeds are streams of events. if you’ve reviewed triggers, you may wonder about the distinction between the two:

Creating feeds: feed actions

So, to create a feed, you first need a feed action. A feed action is an action, just like any other, but to qualify as a feed action, it needs to accept the following parameters:

Beyond these parameters, the feed action can take any others you choose; these should include the parameters needed to connect to the event source and manage the feed.

Once you’ve got the feed action, you create the feed when you create the trigger itself, simply by using the –feed parameter. For example, let’s assume you want to set up a feed for receiving updates to the user’s location coming from your mobile app, and you’ve created a feed action named userLocChange in a package in your namespace called userLoc. To create the feed for managing location updates, you could issue the following command in the CLI:

wsk trigger create trigLocUpdate --feed userLoc/userLocChange <optional parameters for the feed action>

This command creates a trigger named trigLocUpdate and then do something like this:

wsk action invoke userLoc/userLocChange --param lifecycleEvent CREATE --param triggerName trigLocUpdate --param authKey <yourauthKey> --param <optional parameters>

This invokes the feed action userLocChange, which then sets up the stream of events from your mobile app aimed at the trigger trigLocUpdate.

You can use the --feed parameter to execute similar functions on feed actions within the wsk trigger delete, wsk trigger update, and wsk trigger get commands.

Feed implementation patterns

You can create a feed according to several different architectural patterns. Three of the best choices are: