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Magento_ReleaseNotification module

This module serves to provide a notification delivery platform for displaying new features of a Magento installation or upgrade as well as any other required release notifications.


The Magento_ReleaseNotification module creates the release_notification_viewer_log table in the database.

All database schema changes made by this module are rolled back when the module gets disabled and setup:upgrade command is run.

For information about a module installation in Magento 2, see Enable or disable modules.


Extension developers can interact with the Magento_ReleaseNotification module. For more information about the Magento extension mechanism, see Magento plug-ins.

The Magento dependency injection mechanism enables you to override the functionality of the Magento_ReleaseNotification module.

UI components

You can extend release notification updates using the configuration files located in the view/adminhtml/ui_component directory:

  • release_notification

For information about a UI component in Magento 2, see Overview of UI components.

Additional information

Purpose and Content

  • Provides a method of notifying administrators of changes, features, and functionality being introduced in a Magento release.
  • Displays a modal containing a high level overview of the features included in the installed or upgraded release of Magento upon the initial login of each administrator into the Admin Panel for a given Magento version.
  • The modal is enabled with pagination functionality to allow for easy navigation between each modal page.
  • Each modal page includes detailed information about a highlighted feature of the Magento release or other notification.
  • Release Notification modal content is determined and provided by Magento Marketing.

Content Retrieval

Release notification content is maintained by Magento for each Magento version, edition, and locale. To retrieve the content, a response is returned from a request with the following parameters:

  • version = The Magento version that the client has installed (ex. 2.4.0).
  • edition = The Magento edition that the client has installed (ex. Community).
  • locale = The chosen locale of the admin user (ex. en_US).

The module will make three attempts to retrieve content for the parameters in the order listed:

  1. Version/Edition/Locale
  2. Version/Edition/en_US (default locale)
  3. Version (default file for a Magento version)

If there is no content to be retrieved after these requests, the release notification modal will not be displayed to the admin user.

Content Guidelines

The modal system in the ReleaseNotification module can have up to four modal pages. The admin user can navigate between pages using the "< Prev" and "Next >" buttons at the bottom of the modal. The last modal page will have a "Done" button that will close the modal and record that the admin user has seen the notification.

Each modal page can have the following optional content:

  • Main Content
    • Title
    • URL to the image to be displayed alongside the title
    • Text body
    • Bullet point list
  • Sub Headings (highlighted overviews of the content to be detailed on subsequent modal pages) - one to three Sub Headings may be displayed
    • Sub heading title
    • URL to the image to be display before the sub heading title
    • Sub heading content
  • Footer
    • Footer content text

The Sub Heading section is ideally used on the first modal page as a way to describe one to three highlighted features that will be presented in greater detail on the following modal pages. It is recommended to use the Main Content -> Text Body and Bullet Point lists as the paragraph and list content displayed on a highlighted feature's detail modal page.

A clickable link to internal or external content in any text field will be created by using the following format and opened in a new browser tab. Providing the URL for the link followed by the text to be displayed for that link in brackets will cause a clickable link to be created. The text between the brackets [text] will be the text that the clickable link shows.

The text: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/docs/ [Adobe Commerce Developer Documentation]. will appear as Adobe Commerce Developer Documentation.

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