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Create a custom import entity

This tutorial shows you how to extend the Magento/ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/AbstractEntity class to import data into your custom module's table. The current import entities can be found in System > Import:

  • Advanced Pricing
  • Products
  • Customers and Addresses (single file)
  • Customers Main File
  • Customer Addresses

To begin, suppose we have a custom table with the following structure:


Step 1: Adding a new entity type

Declare the new import entity:


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<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<entity name="learning" label="Learning Courses Import" model="ExampleCorp\Learning\Model\Import\Courses"
behaviorModel="Magento\ImportExport\Model\Source\Import\Behavior\Basic" />

Extending the Magento_ImportExport module, we create a dependency to it in the module.xml file.


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<module name="Magento_ImportExport" />

Step 2: Defining the import model

As we extend the Magento/ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/AbstractEntity, we implement the following abstract methods:

  • _importData - Import data rows
  • getEntityTypeCode - EAV entity type code getter
  • validateRow - Validating the row


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namespace ExampleCorp\Learning\Model\Import;
use Exception;
use Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection;
use Magento\Framework\DB\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Json\Helper\Data as JsonHelper;
use Magento\ImportExport\Helper\Data as ImportHelper;
use Magento\ImportExport\Model\Import;
use Magento\ImportExport\Model\Import\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use Magento\ImportExport\Model\Import\ErrorProcessing\ProcessingErrorAggregatorInterface;
use Magento\ImportExport\Model\ResourceModel\Helper;
use Magento\ImportExport\Model\ResourceModel\Import\Data;
* Class Courses
class Courses extends AbstractEntity
const ENTITY_CODE = 'learning';
const TABLE = 'learning_courses';
const ENTITY_ID_COLUMN = 'entity_id';
* If we should check column names
protected $needColumnCheck = true;
* Need to log in import history
protected $logInHistory = true;
* Permanent entity columns.
protected $_permanentAttributes = [
* Valid column names
protected $validColumnNames = [
* @var AdapterInterface
protected $connection;
* @var ResourceConnection
private $resource;
* Courses constructor.
* @param JsonHelper $jsonHelper
* @param ImportHelper $importExportData
* @param Data $importData
* @param ResourceConnection $resource
* @param Helper $resourceHelper
* @param ProcessingErrorAggregatorInterface $errorAggregator
public function __construct(
JsonHelper $jsonHelper,
ImportHelper $importExportData,
Data $importData,
ResourceConnection $resource,
Helper $resourceHelper,
ProcessingErrorAggregatorInterface $errorAggregator
) {
$this->jsonHelper = $jsonHelper;
$this->_importExportData = $importExportData;
$this->_resourceHelper = $resourceHelper;
$this->_dataSourceModel = $importData;
$this->resource = $resource;
$this->connection = $resource->getConnection(ResourceConnection::DEFAULT_CONNECTION);
$this->errorAggregator = $errorAggregator;
* Entity type code getter.
* @return string
public function getEntityTypeCode()
return static::ENTITY_CODE;
* Get available columns
* @return array
public function getValidColumnNames(): array
return $this->validColumnNames;
* Row validation
* @param array $rowData
* @param int $rowNum
* @return bool
public function validateRow(array $rowData, $rowNum): bool
if (isset($this->_validatedRows[$rowNum])) {
return !$this->getErrorAggregator()->isRowInvalid($rowNum);
$this->_validatedRows[$rowNum] = true;
return !$this->getErrorAggregator()->isRowInvalid($rowNum);
* Import data
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
protected function _importData(): bool
switch ($this->getBehavior()) {
return true;
* Delete entities
* @return bool
private function deleteEntity(): bool
$rows = [];
while ($bunch = $this->_dataSourceModel->getNextBunch()) {
foreach ($bunch as $rowNum => $rowData) {
$this->validateRow($rowData, $rowNum);
if (!$this->getErrorAggregator()->isRowInvalid($rowNum)) {
$rowId = $rowData[static::ENTITY_ID_COLUMN];
$rows[] = $rowId;
if ($this->getErrorAggregator()->hasToBeTerminated()) {
if ($rows) {
return $this->deleteEntityFinish(array_unique($rows));
return false;
* Save and replace entities
* @return void
private function saveAndReplaceEntity()
$behavior = $this->getBehavior();
$rows = [];
while ($bunch = $this->_dataSourceModel->getNextBunch()) {
$entityList = [];
foreach ($bunch as $rowNum => $row) {
if (!$this->validateRow($row, $rowNum)) {
if ($this->getErrorAggregator()->hasToBeTerminated()) {
$rowId = $row[static::ENTITY_ID_COLUMN];
$rows[] = $rowId;
$columnValues = [];
foreach ($this->getAvailableColumns() as $columnKey) {
$columnValues[$columnKey] = $row[$columnKey];
$entityList[$rowId][] = $columnValues;
$this->countItemsCreated += (int) !isset($row[static::ENTITY_ID_COLUMN]);
$this->countItemsUpdated += (int) isset($row[static::ENTITY_ID_COLUMN]);
if (Import::BEHAVIOR_REPLACE === $behavior) {
if ($rows && $this->deleteEntityFinish(array_unique($rows))) {
} elseif (Import::BEHAVIOR_APPEND === $behavior) {
* Save entities
* @param array $entityData
* @return bool
private function saveEntityFinish(array $entityData): bool
if ($entityData) {
$tableName = $this->connection->getTableName(static::TABLE);
$rows = [];
foreach ($entityData as $entityRows) {
foreach ($entityRows as $row) {
$rows[] = $row;
if ($rows) {
$this->connection->insertOnDuplicate($tableName, $rows, $this->getAvailableColumns());
return true;
return false;
* Delete entities
* @param array $entityIds
* @return bool
private function deleteEntityFinish(array $entityIds): bool
if ($entityIds) {
try {
$this->countItemsDeleted += $this->connection->delete(
$this->connection->quoteInto(static::ENTITY_ID_COLUMN . ' IN (?)', $entityIds)
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return false;
* Get available columns
* @return array
private function getAvailableColumns(): array
return $this->validColumnNames;

Data validation

Sometimes, there is a need to validate data before inserting it into table. To do that, we have to add all our validation rules to validateRow method.

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* Row validation
* @param array $rowData
* @param int $rowNum
* @return bool
public function validateRow(array $rowData, $rowNum): bool
$name = $rowData['name'] ?? '';
$duration = (int) $rowData['duration'] ?? 0;
if (!$name) {
$this->addRowError('NameIsRequired', $rowNum);
if (!$duration) {
$this->addRowError('DurationIsRequired', $rowNum);
if (isset($this->_validatedRows[$rowNum])) {
return !$this->getErrorAggregator()->isRowInvalid($rowNum);
$this->_validatedRows[$rowNum] = true;
return !$this->getErrorAggregator()->isRowInvalid($rowNum);

We need to instantiate our new validation rules:

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* Init Error Messages
private function initMessageTemplates()
__('The name cannot be empty.')
__('Duration should be greater than 0.')

And finally, call the initMessageTemplates method within __construct method:

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public function __construct(
) {

The validation rules will be checking for a required name and a greater than 0 duration.

Validating Data

Step 3. Providing the sample file

To add the ability to download a sample csv file for our new entity, create the following file:


With the following content:

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,"First Course",90
,"Second Course",120

Next, register the sample file for our entity.


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<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<type name="Magento\ImportExport\Model\Import\SampleFileProvider">
<argument name="samples" xsi:type="array">
<item name="learning" xsi:type="string">ExampleCorp_Learning</item>


As result, the new Entity Type and the sample CSV are available:

Import Entity

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