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Randomize all seeds in a project

This example adds an action in the Edit menu to randomize all the random seed properties from the Substance present in the current project.

To use this example:

  1. Go to your Python plugin folder (see this page to know where)
  2. Create a folder named blending_mode
  3. Create a file named init.py
  4. Copy the code below inside the file.

Copied to your clipboard
import os
import re
import sys
import math
import json
import random
from datetime import datetime
import substance_painter as sp
import substance_painter_plugins as spp
# Qt5 vs Qt6 check
IsQt5 = sp.application.version_info() < (10,1,0)
if IsQt5 :
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
else :
from PySide6 import QtGui
from PySide6 import QtCore
from PySide6 import QtWidgets
ValidNodeTypes = (
def GetSourceMode( Source ) :
return Source.source_mode
return None
def CheckForRandomseed( CurrentSource, Sources ) :
if type( CurrentSource ) == sp.source.SourceSubstance :
Parameters = CurrentSource.get_parameters()
# Check if the Substance has a random seed
if "$randomseed" in Parameters :
Sources.append( CurrentSource )
# Check if any of the inputs of the Substance has another
# Substance with a random seed too
for Name in CurrentSource.image_inputs :
InputSource = CurrentSource.get_source( Name )
CheckForRandomseed( InputSource, Sources )
def FindSources( Node, Sources ) :
if Node.get_type() in ValidNodeTypes :
Source = []
Mode = GetSourceMode( Node )
if Mode == sp.source.SourceMode.Material :
Source.append( Node.get_material_source() )
elif Mode == sp.source.SourceMode.Split :
for Channel in Node.active_channels :
Source.append( Node.get_source( Channel ) )
else :
Source.append( Node.get_source() )
for CurrentSource in Source :
CheckForRandomseed( CurrentSource, Sources )
def IterateLayer( Parent, Sources ) :
if Parent.get_type() == sp.layerstack.NodeType.FillLayer :
FindSources( Parent, Sources )
if Parent.get_type() == sp.layerstack.NodeType.FillLayer \
or Parent.get_type() == sp.layerstack.NodeType.GroupLayer \
or Parent.get_type() == sp.layerstack.NodeType.PaintLayer :
for Effect in Parent.content_effects() :
FindSources( Effect, Sources )
for Effect in Parent.mask_effects() :
FindSources( Effect, Sources )
if Parent.get_type() == sp.layerstack.NodeType.GroupLayer :
for Layer in Parent.sub_layers() :
IterateLayer( Layer, Sources )
def RandomizeSeed() :
if not sp.project.is_open():
sp.logging.warning( "No project open" )
# Sources list
Sources = []
# List all stacks and gather their resources
for TextureSet in sp.textureset.all_texture_sets() :
for Stack in TextureSet.all_stacks() :
for Layer in sp.layerstack.get_root_layer_nodes( Stack ) :
IterateLayer( Layer, Sources )
# Setup parameters
Parameters = { "$randomseed" : random.getrandbits(16) }
# Batch
with sp.layerstack.ScopedModification( "Randomize all the seeds" ) :
for Source in Sources :
Source.set_parameters( Parameters )
def start_plugin():
ActionBuilder = None
if IsQt5 :
ActionBuilder = QtWidgets.QAction
else :
ActionBuilder = QtGui.QAction
Action = ActionBuilder(
"Randomize all seeds",
WIDGETS.append( Action )
def close_plugin():
for Widget in WIDGETS :
sp.ui.delete_ui_element( Widget )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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