Remote control / headless
This page describes how to control the application remotely to execute Javascript or Python commands.
This requires a specific command line argument, then a simple Python script can execute any commands available from the existing Javascript and Python APIs.
Starting the application
In order to control remotely the application, Substance 3D Painter needs to be launched with the following command line:
Copied to your clipboard"Adobe Substance 3D painter.exe" --enable-remote-scripting
Note: Make sure the application is up and running with this command before running any scripts. Scripts may fail if the application is still starting up/not ready yet.
Remote control script
The following Python script can serve as a library to communicate with the application.
Save the following script in a file named to make the examples below work properly.
Copied to your clipboardimport sysimport jsonimport base64import subprocessif sys.version_info >= (3, 0):import http.client as httpelse:import httplib as httpclass PainterError(Exception):def __init__(self, message):super(PainterError, self).__init__(message)class ExecuteScriptError(PainterError):def __init__(self, data):super(PainterError, self).__init__('An error occured when executing script: {0}'.format(data))class RemotePainter() :def __init__(self, port=60041, host='localhost'):self._host = hostself._port = port# Json server connectionself._PAINTER_ROUTE = '/run.json'self._HEADERS = {'Content-type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/json'}# Execute a HTTP POST request to the Substance Painter server and send/receive JSON datadef _jsonPostRequest( self, route, body, type ) :connection = http.HTTPConnection(self._host, self._port, timeout=3600)connection.request('POST', route, body, self._HEADERS)response = connection.getresponse()data = type == "js" :data = json.loads( data.decode('utf-8') )if 'error' in data:OutJson = json.loads( body.decode() )print( base64.b64decode(OutJson["js"]) )raise ExecuteScriptError(data['error'])else :# Python can return nothing, so decoding can failtry:data = data.decode('utf-8').rstrip()except:passreturn datadef checkConnection(self):connection = http.HTTPConnection(self._host, self._port)connection.connect()# Execute a commanddef execScript( self, script, type ) :Command = base64.b64encode( script.encode('utf-8') )if type == "js" :Command = '{{"js":"{0}"}}'.format( Command.decode('utf-8') )else :Command = '{{"python":"{0}"}}'.format( Command.decode('utf-8') )Command = Command.encode( "utf-8" )return self._jsonPostRequest( self._PAINTER_ROUTE, Command, type )
Below are two simple examples that shows how to run commands in both API supported by the application:
Running Javascript commands
Most Javascript function in the API return String or Json data which make them easy to manipulate within the Python script. There shouldn't be any major problems to send and receive data.
Create a python script file named and add the following code:
Copied to your clipboardimport lib_remoteRemote = lib_remote.RemotePainter()Remote.checkConnection()# Print the API versionVersion = Remote.execScript( "alg.version.painter", "js" )print( Version )# Get a list of all the files in the default shelf/library:Files = Remote.execScript( 'alg.resources.findResources("starter_assets", "*")', "js" )for File in Files :print( File )
Running Python commands
Most Python functions may return objects which cannot be passed into the remote script, this means that in order receive data they need to be explicitly converted to strings or Json dictionaries.
To make things easier, it is possible to create custom python script that is loaded during the startup of the application and call functions that handle this kind of conversion without having to rely on inline conversions.
Create a python script file named and add the following code:
Copied to your clipboardimport lib_remoteRemote = lib_remote.RemotePainter()Remote.checkConnection()# import the substance_painter module to make# its API available to usRemote.execScript( "import substance_painter", "python" )# Print the API versionVersion = Remote.execScript( "substance_painter.__version__", "python" )print( Version )# Get a list of all the files in the default shelf/library# Because the search function return objects, we have to convert# the information into a string within the same command (inline)Command = ' "p:starter_assets/" )'Command = '"|||".join( [ x.identifier().url() for x in {0}] )'.format( Command )Files = Remote.execScript( Command, "python" )Files = Files.split( "|||" )for File in Files :print( File )
If the application is running with the command line, then running this script will make it execute commands and retrieve their results.