- Add new blending mode add_multiply: requires dual blending and then introduces a new output.
- Rendering states (blending modes, culling, etc.) can be conditionaly enabled in function of parameter values (specialized uniforms only).
- New lib-alpha-test.glsl library that contains alpha test related reworked parameters and alphaKill function. Previous lib-alpha.glsl library is kept for compatibility reasons.
- UI group, description and label of most library parameters have been updated.
- New Absorption color channel support.
- Translucency channel default value is now 1.0.
- Added new parameter in Subsurface scattering ( lib-sss.glsl) to toggle usage of translucency channel as scattering mask.
- Updated asm-metal-rough.glsl shader to support alpha test, alpha blend, translucency and absorption.
- Engine parameter environment_rotation in lib-env.glsl is replaced by environment_matrix. Allows more complex environment transformations.
- Dynamic material layering: Add new optional format entry in sub-stack channels declaration.
- Add support for Bent Normals diffuse and specular shading
- New lib-bent-normal.glsl library to regroup helpers functions
- Updated [pbrComputeSpecular()] arguments list to add bent normal specular amount
- Added supports for Bent Normals to asm-metal-rough.glsl and pbr-metal-rough.glsl shaders
- Add a new lib-coat.glsl library to help handling coating layer in the material.
- Add a new lib-sheen.glsl library to help handling sheen specular highlights.
- all-custom-params.glsl: Updated the visible parameter to support dynamic boolean condition.
- all-custom-qualifiers.glsl: Add new uniform_qualifier to enable/disable parameters at shader compilation time.
- lib-sampler.glsl: Add generateAnisotropicRoughnessASM function to interpret anisotropy parameters in the Adobe Shader Material definition (ASM).
- lib-sparse.glsl: Sampling functions uses texture derivatives instead simple mipmap level. It's a requirement for the support of anisotropy sampling. Sampling functions signatures are not modified.
- lib-pom.glsl: the getParallaxOffset function signature has changed in order to uses texture derivatives
- Add a new lib-pbr-aniso.glsl library to help visualizing anisotropic specular highlight
- Add a new lib-sparse.glsl library to help channel sampling by taking care of mipmaps availability
- Update shader libraries interfaces to take care of this safe sampling
- Deprecation: The previous functions based on the vec2 texture coordinates and the texture sampler have been deprecated (please use new signatures)
- lib-pom.glsl: Add a applyParallaxOffset function to simplify to use of parallax occlusion effect
- lib-random.glsl: Add a Blue Noise random value generator and temporal alternatives
- lib-sampler.glsl: Split all channel sampling helpers to have both value interpretation and sampling helpers
- Surface shader API change: the shade function signature has changed, see surface-shader.glsl
- The shadeShadow function is no longer used and can safely be removed from custom surface shaders
- Add Subsurface Scattering support, see surface-shader.glsl and lib-sss.glsl for details
- lib-pbr.glsl: the pbrComputeBRDF function has been removed. See pbr-metal-rough.glsl example to know how to use the library now
- New engine parameters have been added: texture_blue_noise, aspect_ratio, camera_vp_matrix_inverse, environment_exposure, environment_rotation, fovy, main_light and screen_size. See all-engine-params.glsl for details
- Add the description metadata to provide tooltips for custom shader parameters
- Fix missing shaders in documentation samples (pixelated and toon shaders)
- Fix dithering for high resolution
- lib-bayer.glsl: bayerMatrix8() return valid values for coords > 4k
- Fix pbr-coated shader
- lib-vectors.glsl: tangentSpaceToWorldSpace() and worldSpaceToTangentSpace() outputs are now normalized
- Incorrect specular reflection in the 2D view for certain meshes
- Cheaper dithering
- Remove interpolated tbn normalization to match Substance Designer and bakers behavior
- [Viewport] Replace Hammersley table by a Fibonacci spiral
- Fix shaders blending and culling modes
- Rework dithering. Now if we have a render in linear, we apply it after the color profile
- Add support for Color Profiles (LUT) in viewports (Optional sRGB conversion)
- Add dithering to opacity in shaders
- Add parallax occlusion mapping to PBR shaders
- Add a way to hide custom params from the default shader UI
- Add a link to channel tags list in layering shader documentation
- Replace 'channel_ao' tag by 'channel_ambientocclusion'
- [Viewport] Some normal maps have clamped values which appear as artifacts
- Fix available channels in shaders doc
- Allow to define a custom shader UI
- Add a standard custom shader UI for material layering shaders
- Custom UI files are now searched relatively to a shaders/custom-ui folder in the shelves (like the mdl)
- Use the specular level channel in default shaders
- Fix vec3 shader params example
- Upgrade Painter to OpenGL core profile
- Fix the difference on the normal map combined exported and the one displayed in the viewport
- Add support for bindless textures in generic material for non Document textures
- Update custom shader sliders documentation
- Allow to define step precision for sliders
- Documentation for dynamic material layering
- Add a 'RGB2Gray' function in lib-utils
- Allow to define groups for shader parameters and materials/masks
- Add missing channels in documentation ('ao', 'diffuse', 'specularlevel')
- Normal unpack function incorrect with low alpha values
- Allow to read mesh vertex colors in custom shader
- [Viewport] Stretched environment map on some computers
- Allow to override Normal/AO additional maps by dedicated channel
- Change Height2Normal function to use Sobel method
- Add the possibility to define a mdl per shader
- Add a new mdl folder in the shelf
- Add diffuse and specular level channel presets
- Documentation update for tone mapping
- Fix reflections when in orthographic mode
- Fixed the vertical white glitch appearing at a specific location on the envmap
- Allow to define 'default_color' for texture params
- Allow to sample external textures (from shelf)
- Expose gamma/tonemapping function to allow to override them
- Expose multiple texcoords
- Add line number and filename in shader error report
- All sRGB conversions follow the sRGB standard, except those done in the shaders that have close approximation
- Height channel to Normal map is converted to the wrong color space
- Add ambient occlusion channel
- Add new workflow for normal edition
- Add 'or' expression syntax for texture related auto parameters
- Fix pbr shader for Intel gpu on OSX
- Allow to interpolate binormals in fragment shader
- Fix Mikkt tangent space
- Fix spherical harmonics producing negative light intensity
- Exposure computation is different from Substance Designer (and fix exposure slider)
- Shadows should not be visible on 100% metallic surface
- Add shadow function
- Add support for opacity ('alpha_test' and 'alpha_blend')
- Ability to set required openGL states into custom shaders
- Fix inverted bitangents
- Add support for normal channel
- Add support for custom shaders