Public Functions:
Import from library
Copied to your clipboardimport lib-normal.glsl//: param auto texture_bent_normalsuniform SamplerSparse bent_normal_texture;//: param custom {//: "default": false,//: "label": "Enable",//: "group": "Geometry/Bent Normal",//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Uses the baked mesh map <b>Bent normals</b> for more accurate lighting. This is especially noticeable with metallic surfaces.</p></body></html>"//: }uniform_specialization bool use_bent_normal;//: param custom {//: "default": 1.0,//: "min": 0.0,//: "max": 1.0,//: "visible": "input.use_bent_normal",//: "label": "Diffuse amount",//: "group": "Geometry/Bent Normal",//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>How much the mesh map <b>Bent normals</b> affects the diffuse reflection. E.g: A value of 0 would disregard the bent normals completely and use only the regular <b>Normals</b> mesh map.</p></body></html>"//: }uniform float bent_normal_diffuse_amount;//: param custom {//: "default": 1.0,//: "min": 0.0,//: "max": 1.0,//: "visible": "input.use_bent_normal",//: "label": "Specular amount",//: "group": "Geometry/Bent Normal",//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>How much the mesh map <b>Bent normals</b> affects the specular reflection. E.g: A value of 0 would disregard the bent normals completely and use only the regular <b>Normals</b> mesh map.</p></body></html>"//: }uniform float bent_normal_specular_amount;
Helper to compute the bent normal from tangent space normal given by getTSNormal helpers, and local frame of the mesh.
Copied to your clipboardvec3 computeWSBentNormal(SparseCoord coord, vec3 tangent, vec3 bitangent, vec3 normal){vec3 bent_normal_vec = getTSNormal(coord, bent_normal_texture);return normalize(bent_normal_vec.x * tangent +bent_normal_vec.y * bitangent +bent_normal_vec.z * normal);}
Compute bent normals Fill world space bent normal in vectors
Copied to your clipboardvoid computeBentNormal(inout LocalVectors vectors, V2F inputs) {if (use_bent_normal) {vectors.bent = computeWSBentNormal(inputs.sparse_coord, inputs.tangent, inputs.bitangent, inputs.normal);}}vec3 getDiffuseBentNormal(LocalVectors vectors) {return use_bent_normal ?normalize(mix(vectors.normal, vectors.bent, bent_normal_diffuse_amount)) :vectors.normal;}float getBentNormalSpecularAmount() {return use_bent_normal ? bent_normal_specular_amount : 0.0;}