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Public Functions: envSample envIrradiance worldToEnvSpace

Needed for math constants

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import lib-defines.glsl

Engine provided parameters

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//: param auto texture_environment
uniform sampler2D environment_texture;
//: param auto environment_matrix
uniform mat3 environment_matrix;
//: param auto environment_exposure
uniform float environment_exposure;
//: param auto environment_irrad_mat_red
uniform mat4 irrad_mat_red;
//: param auto environment_irrad_mat_green
uniform mat4 irrad_mat_green;
//: param auto environment_irrad_mat_blue
uniform mat4 irrad_mat_blue;

Helper that allows one to sample environment. Rotation is taken into account. The environment map is a panoramic env map behind the scene, that's why there is extra computation from dir vector. Direction must be in environment space (using worldToEnvSpace function)

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vec3 envSample(vec3 dir, float lod)
// WORKAROUND: Intel GLSL compiler for HD5000 is bugged on OSX:
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=308366
// It is necessary to replace atan(y, -x) by atan(y, -1.0 * x) to force
// the second parameter to be interpreted as a float
vec2 pos = M_INV_PI * vec2(atan(-dir.z, -1.0 * dir.x), 2.0 * asin(dir.y));
pos = 0.5 * pos + vec2(0.5);
return textureLod(environment_texture, pos, lod).rgb * environment_exposure;

Transform a direction from world to environment space

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vec3 worldToEnvSpace(vec3 dirW)
return environment_matrix * dirW;

Return the irradiance for a given direction. The computation is based on environment's spherical harmonics projection. Direction in world space

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vec3 envIrradiance(vec3 dirW)
vec4 shDir = vec4(worldToEnvSpace(dirW).xzy, 1.0);
return max(vec3(0.0), vec3(
dot(shDir, irrad_mat_red * shDir),
dot(shDir, irrad_mat_green * shDir),
dot(shDir, irrad_mat_blue * shDir)
)) * environment_exposure;
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