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Public Functions: normal_distrib fresnel G1 visibility horizonFading pbrComputeDiffuse pbrComputeSpecular

Number of miplevels in the envmap.

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//: param auto environment_max_lod
uniform float maxLod;

An int representing the number of samples made for specular contribution computation. The more the higher quality and the performance impact.

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//: param custom {
//: "default": 16,
//: "label": "Specular quality",
//: "widget": "combobox",
//: "values": {
//: "Very low (4 spp)": 4,
//: "Low (16 spp)": 16,
//: "Medium (32 spp)": 32,
//: "High (64 spp)": 64,
//: "Very high (128 spp)": 128,
//: "Ultra (256 spp)": 256
//: },
//: "group": "Base Surface",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>The quality of the specular reflection. Choose the number of samples per pixel (SPP).</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform int nbSamples;

Value used to control specular reflection leaking through the surface.

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//: param custom {
//: "default": 1.3,
//: "label": "Horizon fading",
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 2.0,
//: "group": "Base Surface",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Reduces unexpected specular reflection at angles pointing beneath the surface horizon.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform float horizonFade;

Import from library, other parameters

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import lib-env.glsl
import lib-emissive.glsl
import lib-random.glsl
import lib-vectors.glsl

BRDF related functions

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const float EPSILON_COEF = 1e-4;
float normal_distrib(
float ndh,
float Roughness)
// use GGX / Trowbridge-Reitz, same as Disney and Unreal 4
// cf http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2013-shading-course/karis/s2013_pbs_epic_notes_v2.pdf p3
float alpha = Roughness * Roughness;
float tmp = alpha / max(1e-8,(ndh*ndh*(alpha*alpha-1.0)+1.0));
return tmp * tmp * M_INV_PI;
vec3 fresnel(
float vdh,
vec3 F0)
// Schlick with Spherical Gaussian approximation
// cf http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2013-shading-course/karis/s2013_pbs_epic_notes_v2.pdf p3
float sphg = exp2((-5.55473*vdh - 6.98316) * vdh);
return F0 + (vec3(1.0) - F0) * sphg;
vec3 fresnel(
float vdh,
vec3 F0,
vec3 F82)
vec3 b = (1.0 - F82) * (F0 * 9.48471792 + 8.16666665);
float e = 1.0 - vdh;
float e5 = e * e; e5 *= e5 * e;
vec3 offset = (1.0 - F0 - b * (vdh * e)) * e5;
return clamp(F0 + offset, 0.0, 1.0);
float G1(
float ndw, // w is either Ln or Vn
float k)
// One generic factor of the geometry function divided by ndw
// NB : We should have k > 0
return 1.0 / ( ndw*(1.0-k) + k );
float visibility(
float ndl,
float ndv,
float Roughness)
// Schlick with Smith-like choice of k
// cf http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2013-shading-course/karis/s2013_pbs_epic_notes_v2.pdf p3
// visibility is a Cook-Torrance geometry function divided by (n.l)*(n.v)
float k = max(Roughness * Roughness * 0.5, 1e-5);
return G1(ndl,k)*G1(ndv,k);
vec3 cook_torrance_contrib(
float vdh,
float ndh,
float ndl,
float ndv,
vec3 F0,
vec3 F82,
float Roughness)
// This is the contribution when using importance sampling with the GGX based
// sample distribution. This means ct_contrib = ct_brdf / ggx_probability
return fresnel(vdh, F0, F82) * (visibility(ndl, ndv, Roughness) * vdh * ndl / ndh );
vec3 cook_torrance_contrib(
float vdh,
float ndh,
float ndl,
float ndv,
vec3 Ks,
float Roughness)
return cook_torrance_contrib(vdh, ndh, ndl, ndv, Ks, vec3(1.0), Roughness);
vec3 uniformSample(vec2 Xi, vec3 T, vec3 B, vec3 N)
float cosT = Xi.y;
float sinT = sqrt(1.0-cosT*cosT);
float phi = 2.0*M_PI*Xi.x;
T * (sinT*cos(phi)) +
B * (sinT*sin(phi)) +
N * cosT;
vec3 importanceSampleGGX(vec2 Xi, vec3 T, vec3 B, vec3 N, float roughness)
float a = roughness*roughness;
float cosT = sqrt((1.0-Xi.y)/(1.0+(a*a-1.0)*Xi.y));
float sinT = sqrt(1.0-cosT*cosT);
float phi = 2.0*M_PI*Xi.x;
T * (sinT*cos(phi)) +
B * (sinT*sin(phi)) +
N * cosT;
float probabilityGGX(float ndh, float vdh, float Roughness)
return normal_distrib(ndh, Roughness) * ndh / (4.0*vdh);
float distortion(vec3 Wn)
// Computes the inverse of the solid angle of the (differential) pixel in
// the cube map pointed at by Wn
float sinT = sqrt(1.0-Wn.y*Wn.y);
return sinT;
float computeLOD(vec3 Ln, float p)
return max(0.0, (maxLod-1.5) - 0.5 * log2(float(nbSamples) * p * distortion(Ln)));

Horizon fading trick from https://marmosetco.tumblr.com/post/81245981087

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float horizonFading(float ndl, float horizonFade)
float horiz = clamp(1.0 + horizonFade * ndl, 0.0, 1.0);
return horiz * horiz;

Compute the lambertian diffuse radiance to the viewer's eye

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vec3 pbrComputeDiffuse(vec3 normal, vec3 diffColor)
return envIrradiance(normal) * diffColor;

Compute the microfacets specular reflection to the viewer's eye

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vec3 pbrComputeSpecular(
LocalVectors vectors,
vec3 F0,
vec3 F82,
float roughness,
float occlusion,
float bentNormalSpecularAmount)
vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);
float ndv = dot(vectors.eye, vectors.normal);
// Bent normals occlusion
float occlusionStart = 0.75 - occlusion;
float occlusionEnd = 1.0 - occlusion;
vec3 envT = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.tangent);
vec3 envB = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.bitangent);
vec3 envN = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.normal);
vec3 envE = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.eye);
vec3 envVertexNormal = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.vertexNormal);
vec3 envBent = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.bent);
for(int i=0; i<nbSamples; ++i)
vec2 Xi = fibonacci2DDitheredTemporal(i, nbSamples);
vec3 Hn = importanceSampleGGX(Xi, envT, envB, envN, roughness);
vec3 Ln = -reflect(envE,Hn);
float fade = horizonFading(dot(envVertexNormal, Ln), horizonFade);
float specOcclusion = 1.0;
float mask = 1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - max(0.0, dot(envBent, Ln)));
specOcclusion = smoothstep(occlusionStart, occlusionEnd, mask);
specOcclusion = mix(1.0, specOcclusion, bentNormalSpecularAmount);
float ndl = dot(envN, Ln);
ndl = max( 1e-8, ndl );
float vdh = max(1e-8, dot(envE, Hn));
float ndh = max(1e-8, dot(envN, Hn));
float lodS = roughness < 0.01 ? 0.0 : computeLOD(Ln, probabilityGGX(ndh, vdh, roughness));
radiance += fade * specOcclusion * envSample(Ln, lodS) *
cook_torrance_contrib(vdh, ndh, ndl, ndv, F0, F82, roughness);
// Remove occlusions on shiny reflections
radiance /= float(nbSamples);
return radiance;
vec3 pbrComputeSpecular(
LocalVectors vectors,
vec3 F0,
vec3 F82,
float roughness)
return pbrComputeSpecular(vectors, F0, F82, roughness, 1.0, 0.0);
vec3 pbrComputeSpecular(
LocalVectors vectors,
vec3 specColor,
float roughness,
float occlusion,
float bentNormalSpecularAmount)
return pbrComputeSpecular(vectors, specColor, vec3(1.0), roughness, occlusion, bentNormalSpecularAmount);
vec3 pbrComputeSpecular(
LocalVectors vectors,
vec3 specColor,
float roughness)
return pbrComputeSpecular(vectors, specColor, roughness, 1.0, 0.0);
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