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Public Functions: getParallaxOffset applyParallaxOffset

Import from library

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import lib-sampler.glsl

Parallax occlusion mapping related uniforms

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//: param auto is_2d_view
uniform bool isTextureView;
//: param auto channel_displacement
uniform SamplerSparse displacement_texture;
//: param custom {
//: "label": "Enable",
//: "default": false,
//: "group": "Geometry/Parallax Occlusion Mapping",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Simulates displacement of the surface without actually moving the mesh's vertices.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channel needs to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Displacement</b></p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool usePOM;
//: param custom {
//: "label": "Strength",
//: "default": 1.0,
//: "min": 0.01,
//: "max": 10.0,
//: "group": "Geometry/Parallax Occlusion Mapping",
//: "visible": "input.usePOM",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>The strength of the simulated displacement.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform float pomStrength;
//: param custom {
//: "label": "Minimum samples",
//: "default": 4,
//: "min": 1,
//: "max": 64,
//: "group": "Geometry/Parallax Occlusion Mapping",
//: "visible": "input.usePOM",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>The minimum number of samples performed for the intersection lookup.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform int minPOMSamples;
//: param custom {
//: "label": "Maximum samples",
//: "default": 16,
//: "min": 1,
//: "max": 64,
//: "group": "Geometry/Parallax Occlusion Mapping",
//: "visible": "input.usePOM",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>The maximum number of samples performed for the intersection lookup.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform int maxPOMSamples;

Compute the offset of texture coordinates based on parallax

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vec2 getParallaxOffset(SparseCoord coord, vec3 viewTS)
if (!usePOM || isTextureView || !displacement_texture.is_set) return vec2(0.0);
vec2 dfdx,dfdy;
textureSparseQueryGrad(dfdx, dfdy, displacement_texture, coord);
// Convention: 1.0 is top, -1.0 is bottom - POM is always inward, no extrusion
int nbSteps = int(mix(maxPOMSamples, minPOMSamples, viewTS.z));
float amplitude = 4.0 * pomStrength / (HEIGHT_FACTOR * abs(viewTS.z) * nbSteps);
vec3 rayStep = vec3(-amplitude * viewTS.xy, -2.0 / nbSteps);
// Raymarch until we cross the surface
vec3 rayPos = vec3(coord.tex_coord, 1.0);
float prevHeight;
float currHeight = getDisplacement(textureGrad(displacement_texture.tex, rayPos.xy, dfdx, dfdy));
int i = 0;
do {
rayPos += rayStep;
prevHeight = currHeight;
currHeight = getDisplacement(textureGrad(displacement_texture.tex, rayPos.xy, dfdx, dfdy));
} while (i < nbSteps && currHeight < rayPos.z);
// Binary search with linear interpolation to refine intersection
vec3 prevRayPos = rayPos - rayStep;
vec3 newRayPos = prevRayPos;
float newHeight = prevHeight;
i = 0;
while (i < 3 && abs(newHeight - newRayPos.z) > 1e-3) {
float prevDelta = prevRayPos.z - prevHeight;
float delta = currHeight - rayPos.z;
newRayPos = (prevDelta * rayPos + delta * prevRayPos) / (prevDelta + delta);
newHeight = getDisplacement(textureGrad(displacement_texture.tex, newRayPos.xy, dfdx, dfdy));
if (newHeight > newRayPos.z) {
currHeight = newHeight;
rayPos = newRayPos;
} else {
prevHeight = newHeight;
prevRayPos = newRayPos;
return newRayPos.xy - coord.tex_coord;

Update input texture coordinates with parallax offset

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void applyParallaxOffset(inout V2F inputs, vec3 viewTS)
vec2 offset = getParallaxOffset(inputs.sparse_coord, viewTS);
if (any(notEqual(offset,vec2(0.0)))) {
inputs.tex_coord += offset;
inputs.sparse_coord = getSparseCoord(inputs.tex_coord);
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