Public Functions:
Import from library
Copied to your clipboardimport lib-defines.glsl
All engine parameters useful for sheen.
Copied to your clipboard//: param custom {//: "group": "Base Surface",//: "label": "Enable sheen",//: "default": false,//: "asm": "sheen",//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Simulates the effect of microscopic fibers or fuzz on the surface.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channel needs to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Sheen opacity</b>. Optionally, the following channels provide additional control: <b>Sheen color</b> and <b>Sheen roughness</b>.</p></body></html>"//: }uniform_specialization bool sheenEnabled;//: param auto channel_sheenopacityuniform SamplerSparse sheenOpacity_tex;//: param auto channel_sheencoloruniform SamplerSparse sheenColor_tex;//: param auto channel_sheenroughnessuniform SamplerSparse sheenRoughness_tex;
Import from library
Copied to your clipboardimport lib-pbr.glsl
Compute the sheen BRDF contribution for importance sampling.
Copied to your clipboardvec3 sheen_contrib(float ndh, float ndl, float ndv, vec3 Ks, float roughness){float ndh2 = ndh*ndh;float ndl2 = ndl*ndl;float ndv2 = ndv*ndv;float r2 = roughness*roughness;// TODO: move the D component out, to the importance sampling.float t = 1.0 - ndh2 + ndh2/r2;float Pi_D = 1.0 / (roughness * t * t);float Li = sqrt(1.0 - ndl2 + r2*ndl2) / ndl;float Lo = sqrt(1.0 - ndv2 + r2*ndv2) / ndv;float G = (1.0 - exp(-(Li + Lo))) / (Li + Lo);// This is the contribution when using importance sampling with uniform// sample distribution. This means sheen_contrib = sheen_brdf / (1/(2*Pi))// ndl is omitted since it cancels out with the ndl outside the BRDF.return Ks * ((2.0 * Pi_D * G / ndv) * 0.5);}
Compute the microfacets sheen specular reflection to the viewer's eye.
Copied to your clipboardvec3 pbrComputeSheen(LocalVectors vectors, vec3 specColor, float roughness){vec3 radiance = vec3(0.0);float ndv = dot(vectors.eye, vectors.normal);roughness = max(1e-3, roughness);vec3 envT = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.tangent);vec3 envB = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.bitangent);vec3 envN = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.normal);vec3 envE = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.eye);vec3 envVertexNormal = worldToEnvSpace(vectors.vertexNormal);for(int i=0; i<nbSamples; ++i){vec2 Xi = fibonacci2D(i, nbSamples);vec3 Ln = uniformSample(Xi, envT, envB, envN);vec3 Hn = normalize(Ln + envE);float fade = horizonFading(dot(envVertexNormal, Ln), horizonFade);float ndl = dot(envN, Ln);if (ndl > 0.0 && ndv > 0.0) {ndl = max( 1e-8, ndl );float vdh = max(1e-8, dot(envE, Hn));float ndh = max(1e-8, dot(envN, Hn));float lodS = computeLOD(Ln, 0.5 * M_INV_PI);radiance += fade * envSample(Ln, lodS) * sheen_contrib(ndh, ndl, ndv, specColor, roughness);}}radiance /= float(nbSamples);return radiance;}