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This file provides useful functions to ensure sparse textures sampling correctness (ARB_sparse_texture). Allows to sample only part of textures really present in video memory.

Public Functions: getSparseCoord getSparseCoordLod0 textureSparseQueryLod textureSparse

Public Structures: SamplerSparse SparseCoord

The FEATURE_SPARSE_TEXTURE macro is defined only if the sparse virtual texture extension is enabled.

If enabled, process additional texture lookup checks to climb up mipmap pyramid if texels are missing.

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//: param auto material_lod_check_needed
uniform bool material_lod_check_needed = false;
//: param auto material_lod_mask
uniform usampler2D material_lod_mask;
//: param auto uvtile_reference_sampler
uniform sampler2D uvtile_reference_sampler;
//: param auto uvtile_size
uniform vec2 uvtile_size;
//: param auto uvtile_inverse_size
uniform vec2 uvtile_inverse_size;
//: param auto uvtile_lod_bias
uniform float uvtile_lod_bias;

Sampler and sparse texture information structure

Used to query all sampler related uniforms with a single auto binding

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struct SamplerSparse {
sampler2D tex;
vec4 size; // width, height, 1/width, 1/height
bool is_set; // a boolean indicating whether the texture is in the texture set or not
bool is_color; // a boolean indicating whether the texture is color (RGBA) or grayscale (R, GB)
uvec3 lod_mask_select; // masking operations description allowing to retrieve loaded mipmaps information

Sparse sampling coordinates

Store the UV coordinates \& material-wise sparse LoD mask

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struct SparseCoord {
vec2 tex_coord;
vec2 dfdx;
vec2 dfdy;
float lod;
uint material_lod_mask;
#if defined(SHADER_FRAGMENT)

Build texture coordinates structure used by textureSparse() sampling function (must be called from fragment shader)

Example: SparseCoord uv1coord = getSparseCoord(inputs.multi_tex_coord[1]);

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SparseCoord getSparseCoord(vec2 tex_coord) {
SparseCoord res;
res.tex_coord = tex_coord;
res.dfdx = dFdx(tex_coord);
res.dfdy = dFdy(tex_coord);
res.material_lod_mask = material_lod_check_needed ?
textureLod(material_lod_mask,tex_coord,0.0).r :
res.lod = getLodFromReferenceSampler(tex_coord);
return res;

Build texture coordinates structure used by textureSparse() sampling function Base level sampling version (can be used if outside fragment shader)

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SparseCoord getSparseCoordLod0(vec2 tex_coord) {
SparseCoord res;
res.tex_coord = tex_coord;
res.dfdx = vec2(0.0);
res.dfdy = vec2(0.0);
res.material_lod_mask = material_lod_check_needed ?
textureLod(material_lod_mask,tex_coord,0.0).r :
res.lod = 0.0;
return res;
#if defined(SHADER_FRAGMENT)

Compute the level-of-detail that would be used to sample from a sparse texture

Climb up mipmap pyramid if texels are missing Returns LoD BEFORE LoD bias applied

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float textureSparseQueryLod(SamplerSparse smp, SparseCoord coord) {
float lodfix = coord.lod;
if (material_lod_check_needed) {
lodfix = getFixedSparseLod(getTextureLodMask(smp.lod_mask_select, coord.material_lod_mask), lodfix);
return lodfix-uvtile_lod_bias;
// Do not use textureQueryLod here: workaround of MacOS driver issue (dramatic FPS drop)
vec2 dx = coord.dfdx * smp.size.xy;
vec2 dy = coord.dfdy * smp.size.xy;
return max(0.0, 0.5 * log2(max(dot(dx, dx), dot(dy, dy))));

Compute the derivatives that would be used to sample from a sparse texture

Climb up mipmap pyramid if texels are missing

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void textureSparseQueryGrad(out vec2 dfdx, out vec2 dfdy, SamplerSparse smp, SparseCoord coord) {
if (material_lod_check_needed) {
float lodfix = getFixedSparseLod(getTextureLodMask(smp.lod_mask_select, coord.material_lod_mask), coord.lod);
if (coord.lod!=lodfix) {
// Fix dfdx dfdy, take account offset, no more anisotropy
vec2 ddfix = exp2(lodfix-uvtile_lod_bias) * uvtile_inverse_size;
dfdx = vec2(ddfix.x,0.0);
dfdy = vec2(0.0,ddfix.y);
dfdx = coord.dfdx;
dfdy = coord.dfdy;

Performs a texture lookup on a sparse texture, go up the mipmap levels if necessary

This function replaces the standard texture(sampler2D, vec2) to retrieve texels from a sparse texture

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vec4 textureSparse(SamplerSparse smp, SparseCoord coord) {
vec2 dfdx,dfdy;
textureSparseQueryGrad(dfdx, dfdy, smp, coord);
return textureGrad(smp.tex, coord.tex_coord, dfdx, dfdy);

Given a texture, performs an optimized multiple texture lookups with small offsets

We are providing alternatives versions of this helper for up to N\=4

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void textureSparseOffsets(SamplerSparse smp, SparseCoord coord, vec2 offsets[N], out vec4 results[N]) {
vec2 dfdx,dfdy;
textureSparseQueryGrad(dfdx, dfdy, smp, coord);
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
results[i] = textureGrad(smp.tex, coord.tex_coord + offsets[i], dfdx, dfdy);
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