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Engine parameters examples

Texture parameters

Substance 3D Painter uses a Sparse Virtual Texture (SVT) system to display textures in the viewport.

For more information about this system, go to the online documentation.

This system has repercussions on how to write shader code. We are providing helpers to simplify its use with the SamplerSparse structure and texture lookup functions (see lib-sparse.glsl).

Basic usage:

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// Defines the SamplerSparse structure
import lib-sparse.glsl
//: param auto TEXTURE_TAG
uniform SamplerSparse uniform_tex; // Texture sampler and its information

Texture parameters allow to use 'or' operator to define a fallback:

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//: param auto TEXTURE_TAG_1 or TEXTURE_TAG_2
uniform SamplerSparse uniform_tex; // if TEXTURE_TAG_1 exists then TEXTURE_TAG_1 else TEXTURE_TAG_2

Where TEXTURE_TAG is one of the described tags below.

Document's channels tags

All these textures are premultiplied and dilated to avoid seams problems.

Texture set channels

channel_ambientocclusion channel_anisotropyangle channel_anisotropylevel channel_basecolor channel_blendingmask channel_diffuse channel_displacement channel_emissive channel_glossiness channel_height channel_ior channel_metallic channel_normal channel_opacity channel_reflection channel_roughness channel_scattering channel_specular channel_specularlevel channel_transmissive

User channels

channel_user0 channel_user1 channel_user2 channel_user3 channel_user4 channel_user5 channel_user6 channel_user7

Mesh maps

texture_ambientocclusion : Ambient Occlusion map

texture_curvature : Curvature map

texture_id : ID map

texture_normal : Tangent space normal map

texture_normal_ws : World space normal map

texture_position : World space position map

texture_thickness : Thickness map

texture_height : Height map

texture_bent_normals : Bent normals map

texture_opacity : Opacity map

Additional texture parameters

Basic usage:

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//: param auto TEXTURE_TAG
uniform sampler2D uniform_tex; // The texture itself
//: param auto TEXTURE_TAG_size
uniform vec4 uniform_tex_size; // The size of the texture (width, height, 1/width, 1/height)

Texture parameters allow to use 'or' operator to define a fallback:

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//: param auto TEXTURE_TAG_1 or TEXTURE_TAG_2
uniform sampler2D uniform_tex; // if TEXTURE_TAG_1 exists then TEXTURE_TAG_1 else TEXTURE_TAG_2
//: param auto TEX_TAG_1_size or TEX_TAG_2_size
uniform vec4 uniform_tex_size; // if TEX_TAG_1 exists then TEX_TAG_1_size else TEX_TAG_2_size

Where TEXTURE_TAG is one of the described tags below.

texture_blue_noise : A blue noise texture

texture_environment : Environment map, mip-mapped, use lib-env.glsl to use this one

Other parameters

aspect_ratio: a float containing the viewport width / height ratio

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//: param auto aspect_ratio
uniform float uniform_aspect_ratio;

camera_view_matrix: a mat4 representing the transformation from world space to camera space

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//: param auto camera_view_matrix
uniform mat4 uniform_camera_view_matrix;

camera_view_matrix_it: inverse transpose version of camera_view_matrix

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//: param auto camera_view_matrix_it
uniform mat4 uniform_camera_view_matrix_it;

camera_vp_matrix_inverse: inverse of projection * camera_view_matrix matrix

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//: param auto camera_vp_matrix_inverse
uniform mat4 uniform_camera_vp_matrix_inverse;

environment_exposure: a float representing the envmap's exposure

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//: param auto environment_exposure
uniform float uniform_environment_exposure;

environment_max_lod: a float representing the envmap's depth of mip-map pyramid

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//: param auto environment_max_lod
uniform float uniform_max_lod;

environment_matrix: a mat3 representing the transformation from world space vector to environment map direction

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//: param auto environment_matrix
uniform mat3 uniform_environment_matrix;

facing: an integer indicating rendered faces (-1: back faces, 0: undefined, 1: front faces)

value of 0 means you can safely rely on glsl built-in variable gl_FrontFacing

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//: param auto facing
uniform int uniform_facing;

fovy: a float representing the camera field of view along Y axis

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//: param auto fovy
uniform float uniform_fovy;

is_2d_view: a bool indicating whether the rendering is performed for 2D view or not

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//: param auto is_2d_view
uniform bool uniform_2d_view;

is_perspective_projection: a bool indicating whether the projection is perspective or orthographic

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//: param auto is_perspective_projection
uniform bool uniform_perspective_projection;

main_light: a vec4 indicating the position of the main light in the environment

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//: param auto main_light
uniform vec4 uniform_main_light;

mvp_matrix: a mat4 representing the model view projection matrix

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//: param auto mvp_matrix
uniform mat4 uniform_mvp_matrix;

scene_original_radius: a float representing the radius of the scene's bounding sphere before its normalization

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//: param auto scene_original_radius
uniform float uniform_scene_original_radius;

screen_size: a vec4 containing screen size data (width, height, 1/width, 1/height)

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//: param auto screen_size
uniform vec4 uniform_screen_size;

world_camera_direction: a vec3 representing the world camera orientation

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//: param auto world_camera_direction
uniform vec3 uniform_world_camera_direction;

world_eye_position: a vec3 representing the world eye position

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//: param auto world_eye_position
uniform vec3 uniform_world_eye_position;
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