Material layering: bind materials as shader parameters
A material is defined by a unique identifier 'id'. Additional parameters:
- 'default': the default material resource name to be used.
- 'size': the texture size of the material maps.
- 'group': the UI group of the material selection widget.
Copied to your clipboard//: materials [//: {//: "id": "Material1",//: "default": "Concrete 044",//: "size": 512,//: "group": "Material 1"//: }, {//: "id": "Material2",//: "default": "Leaves elm",//: "size": 1024,//: "group": "Material 2"//: }//: ]
To bind a channel from a material to a sampler, define an auto param with the id of the material followed by the channel tag (see the available channels in all-engine-params.glsl):
Copied to your clipboard//: param auto Material1.channel_basecoloruniform sampler2D basecolor_tex1;//: param auto Material1.channel_metallicuniform sampler2D metallic_tex1;//: param auto Material1.channel_roughnessuniform sampler2D roughness_tex1;//: param auto Material2.channel_basecoloruniform sampler2D basecolor_tex2;//: param auto Material2.channel_metallicuniform sampler2D metallic_tex2;//: param auto Material2.channel_roughnessuniform sampler2D roughness_tex2;