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Adobe Standard Material Definition (ASM) shader

Import from libraries.

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import lib-pbr.glsl
import lib-pbr-aniso.glsl
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Base Surface",
//: "label": "Enable anisotropy",
//: "default": false,
//: "asm": "anisotropy",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Allows reflections to stretch in one direction along the surface.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channels need to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Anisotropy angle</b> and <b>Anisotropy level</b>.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool anisotropyEnabled;
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Base Surface",
//: "label": "Index of refraction",
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 40.0,
//: "default": 1.5,
//: "asm": "specular_ior",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>The amount light bends as it passes through the object. Also affects the specular reflection intensity.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform float specularIoR;
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Base Surface",
//: "label": "Enable edge color",
//: "default": false,
//: "asm": "specular_edge_color",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Allows specifying the color of light reflections. Affects glancing angles for metallic materials.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channel needs to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Specular edge color</b></p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool specularEdgeColorEnabled;
import lib-sheen.glsl
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Geometry",
//: "label": "Double sided",
//: "default": false,
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>When enabled, the surface is visible on both sides, i.e. back-face culling is disabled.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool doubleSided;
import lib-pom.glsl
import lib-bent-normal.glsl
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Interior",
//: "label": "Enable translucency",
//: "default": false,
//: "asm": "translucency",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Allows for refractive transmission of light through the surface.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channel needs to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Translucency</b></p></body></html>",
//: "enable": "!input.sssEnabled",
//: "description_disabled": "<html><head/><body><p>Disable the <b>Subsurface Scattering</b> to use <b>Translucency</b>.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool translucencyEnabled;
import lib-sss.glsl
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Interior",
//: "label": "Enable absorption",
//: "default": false,
//: "asm": "absorption_color",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Filters the light that passes through the volume by absorbing certain colors. Affects both translucency and subsurface scattering.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channel needs to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Absorption color</b></p></body></html>",
//: "visible": "input.translucencyEnabled || input.sssEnabled"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool absorptionEnabled;
import lib-alpha-test.glsl
//: param custom {
//: "group": "Geometry/Opacity",
//: "label": "Enable alpha blending",
//: "default": false,
//: "asm": "opacity",
//: "description": "<html><head/><body><p>Uses the opacity texture to progressively blend the transparent surface over the background.<br/><b>Please note</b>: The following channel needs to be present for this parameter to have an effect: <b>Opacity</b></p></body></html>",
//: "enable": "!input.sssEnabled",
//: "description_disabled": "<html><head/><body><p>Disable the <b>Subsurface Scattering</b> to use <b>Alpha blending</b>.</p></body></html>"
//: }
uniform_specialization bool alphaBlendEnabled;
import lib-coat.glsl
import lib-utils.glsl

Declare the iray mdl material to use with this shader.

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//: metadata {
//: "mdl":"mdl::alg::materials::painter::standard"
//: }

Disable culling if double sided option is enabled

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//: state cull_face off {"enable":"input.doubleSided"}

Enable 'over' alpha blending if opacity alpha blend

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//: state blend over {"enable":"input.alphaBlendEnabled && !input.sssEnabled && !input.translucencyEnabled"}

Enable 'premultiplied over' alpha blending if translucency

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//: state blend over_premult {"enable":"input.translucencyEnabled && !input.absorptionEnabled && !input.sssEnabled"}

Enable 'add multiply' alpha blending if absorption is required

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//: state blend add_multiply {"enable":"input.translucencyEnabled && input.absorptionEnabled && !input.sssEnabled"}

Channels needed for metal/rough workflow are bound here.

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//: param auto channel_basecolor
uniform SamplerSparse basecolor_tex;
//: param auto channel_roughness
uniform SamplerSparse roughness_tex;
//: param auto channel_metallic
uniform SamplerSparse metallic_tex;
//: param auto channel_anisotropylevel
uniform SamplerSparse anisotropylevel_tex;
//: param auto channel_anisotropyangle
uniform SamplerSparse anisotropyangle_tex;
//: param auto channel_specularlevel
uniform SamplerSparse specularlevel_tex;
//: param auto channel_specularedgecolor
uniform SamplerSparse specularedgecolor_tex;
//: param auto channel_absorptioncolor
uniform SamplerSparse absorptioncolor_tex;

Shader entry point.

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void shade(V2F inputs)
// Apply parallax occlusion mapping if possible
vec3 viewTS = worldSpaceToTangentSpace(getEyeVec(inputs.position), inputs);
applyParallaxOffset(inputs, viewTS);
// Fetch material parameters, and conversion to the specular/roughness model
float baseRoughness = getRoughness(roughness_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float anisotropyLevel = 0.0;
float anisotropyAngle = 0.0;
if (anisotropyEnabled) {
anisotropyLevel = getAnisotropyLevel(anisotropylevel_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
if (anisotropyLevel > 0.0) {
anisotropyAngle = getAnisotropyAngle(anisotropyangle_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 baseColor = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float metallic = getMetallic(metallic_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 diffColor = generateDiffuseColor(baseColor, metallic);
float specularLevel = getSpecularLevel(specularlevel_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 specColor_metal = baseColor;
float dielectricF0 = iorToSpecularLevel(1.0, specularIoR);
float coatOpacity = 0.0;
if (coatEnabled) {
coatOpacity = getCoatOpacity(coatOpacity_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
if (coatOpacity > 0.0) {
float underCoatF0 = iorToSpecularLevel(coatIoR, specularIoR);
dielectricF0 = mix(dielectricF0, underCoatF0, coatOpacity);
vec3 specColor_dielectric = vec3(dielectricF0 * 2.0 * specularLevel);
// Get detail (ambient occlusion) and global (shadow) occlusion factors
// separately in order to blend the bent normals properly
float shadowFactor = getShadowFactor();
float occlusion = getAO(inputs.sparse_coord, true, use_bent_normal);
float specOcclusion = specularOcclusionCorrection(
use_bent_normal ? shadowFactor : occlusion * shadowFactor,
vec3 normal = computeWSNormal(inputs.sparse_coord,
inputs.tangent, inputs.bitangent, inputs.normal);
LocalVectors vectors = computeLocalFrame(inputs, normal, anisotropyAngle);
// Diffuse lobe:
vec3 diffuseShading = occlusion * shadowFactor * envIrradiance(getDiffuseBentNormal(vectors));
// Specular lobes:
// The specs can be interpreted as interpolating between two lobes.
// However, due to the prohibitive cost for real-time, we interpolate
// between two specular colors and use it for a single specular lobe.
vec3 specColor = mix(specColor_dielectric, specColor_metal, metallic);
vec3 specSecondaryColor = vec3(1.0);
if (specularEdgeColorEnabled) {
specSecondaryColor = getSpecularEdgeColor(specularedgecolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 specEdgeColor = mix(vec3(1.0), specSecondaryColor, metallic);
vec3 specColoring = mix(vec3(1.0), specSecondaryColor, 1.0 - metallic);
vec3 specReflection = vec3(0.0);
if (anisotropyEnabled) {
vec2 roughnessAniso = generateAnisotropicRoughnessASM(baseRoughness, anisotropyLevel);
specReflection = pbrComputeSpecularAnisotropic(
else {
specReflection = pbrComputeSpecular(
vec3 specularShading = specOcclusion * specColoring * specReflection;
// Sheen:
if (sheenEnabled) {
float sheenOpacity = getSheenOpacity(sheenOpacity_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
if (sheenOpacity > 0.0) {
float sheenRoughness = getSheenRoughness(sheenRoughness_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 sheenColor = sheenOpacity * getSheenColor(sheenColor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 sheenSpecularShading = pbrComputeSheen(vectors, sheenColor, sheenRoughness);
specularShading += specOcclusion * sheenSpecularShading;
// Coating:
// Keep track of coat absorption quantity to know how much to reduce contribution for lower layers
vec3 coatAbsorption = vec3(1.0);
if (coatOpacity > 0.0) {
vec3 coatNormal = getWSCoatNormal(inputs.sparse_coord,
inputs.tangent, inputs.bitangent, inputs.normal);
LocalVectors coatVectors = computeLocalFrame(inputs, coatNormal, 0.0);
vec3 coatColor = getCoatColor(coatColor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float coatSpecularLevel = getCoatSpecularLevel(coatSpecularLevel_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 coatSpecColor = vec3(iorToSpecularLevel(1.0, coatIoR) * 2.0 * coatSpecularLevel);
float coatRoughness = getCoatRoughness(coatRoughness_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float coatSpecOcclusion = specularOcclusionCorrection(occlusion * shadowFactor, 0.0, coatRoughness);
vec3 coatSpecularShading = pbrComputeSpecular(coatVectors, coatSpecColor, coatRoughness);
float ndv = clamp(dot(coatVectors.normal, vectors.eye), 1e-4, 1.0);
coatAbsorption = coatPassageColorMultiplier(coatColor, coatOpacity, ndv);
coatAbsorption *= coatAbsorption;
diffuseShading *= coatAbsorption;
specularShading *= coatAbsorption;
specularShading += (coatSpecOcclusion * coatOpacity) * coatSpecularShading;
vec3 emissiveShading = pbrComputeEmissive(emissive_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
// Blending related effects
if ((translucencyEnabled || alphaBlendEnabled) && !sssEnabled) {
float alpha = 1.0;
// Opacity cut-through
if (alphaBlendEnabled) {
alpha = getOpacity(opacity_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
// Refractive transmission
if (translucencyEnabled) {
// Blending premultiplied over: must premultiply contributions manually
emissiveShading *= alpha;
specularShading *= alpha;
diffuseShading *= alpha;
float translucency = getTranslucency(sss_translucency_tex, inputs.sparse_coord) * (1.0-metallic);
diffuseShading *= 1.0-translucency;
vec3 absorption = vec3(1.0);
if (absorptionEnabled) {
// Absorption use dual output blending mode
absorption = coatAbsorption * getAbsorptionColor(absorptioncolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
color1Output(vec4(vec3(1.0)-alpha*(vec3(1.0)-absorption*translucency*(1.0-baseRoughness)), 1.0));
// Approximation: roughness cutoff the transparency
diffuseShading += absorption * alpha * baseRoughness * translucency * envIrradiance(-vectors.normal);
alpha *= 1.0-(translucency*(1.0-baseRoughness));
vec4 baseSSSColor = getSSSColor(inputs.sparse_coord);
if (usesSSSScatteringColorChannel()) {
// Must be dimmed by metallic factor as for diffuse color
baseSSSColor.rgb = generateDiffuseColor(baseSSSColor.rgb, metallic);
if (sssEnabled && absorptionEnabled) {
// Combine absorption color with scattering color if both enabled
baseSSSColor.rgb *= getAbsorptionColor(absorptioncolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
// Discard current fragment on the basis of the opacity channel
// and a user defined threshold
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