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Substance 3D Painter Specular/Glossiness Non-PBR shader

Import from libraries.

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import lib-alpha.glsl
import lib-emissive.glsl
import lib-env.glsl
import lib-sampler.glsl
import lib-vectors.glsl
//: param auto channel_diffuse
uniform SamplerSparse diffuse_tex;
//: param auto channel_specular
uniform SamplerSparse specular_tex;
//: param auto channel_glossiness
uniform SamplerSparse glossiness_tex;
//: param auto main_light
uniform vec4 light_main;
//: param custom {
//: "default": 5.0,
//: "label": "Fresnel Power",
//: "min": 1.0,
//: "max": 10.0
//: }
uniform float fresnel_power;
//: param custom {
//: "default": 1.0,
//: "label": "Fresnel Strength",
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 1.0
//: }
uniform float fresnel_str;
//: param custom {
//: "default": 0.25,
//: "label": "Ambient Light",
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 1.0
//: }
uniform float ambient_str;
//: param custom {
//: "default": 1.0,
//: "label": "Light Intensity",
//: "min": 0.0,
//: "max": 10.0
//: }
uniform float light_str;
void shade(V2F inputs)
vec3 diffColor = getDiffuse(diffuse_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 specColor = getSpecularColor(specular_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float glossiness = getGlossiness(glossiness_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float occlusion = getAO(inputs.sparse_coord) * getShadowFactor();
// Compute local vectors and cos of some useful angles
inputs.normal = normalize(inputs.normal);
LocalVectors vectors = computeLocalFrame(inputs);
// Emissive contribution
emissiveColorOutput(pbrComputeEmissive(emissive_tex, inputs.sparse_coord));
// Discard current fragment on the basis of the opacity channel
// and a user defined threshold
float ndl = max(0.0, dot(vectors.normal, light_main.xyz));
float ndv = clamp(dot(vectors.normal, vectors.eye), 0.0, 1.0);
float ndh = max(0.0, dot(vectors.normal, normalize(light_main.xyz + vectors.eye)));
// Ambient and diffuse contribution
vec3 Kd = (envIrradiance(inputs.normal) * ambient_str + ndl) * diffColor * occlusion;
// Specular contribution (normalized Blinn-Phong)
float exponent = exp2(9.0 * glossiness);
vec3 Ks = fresnel_str * mix(vec3(pow(1.0 - ndv, fresnel_power)), vec3(1.0), specColor); // Fresnel
Ks *= ndl * pow(ndh, exponent); // Reflection
Ks *= (0.125 * exponent + 1.0); // Normalization
Ks *= mix(occlusion, 1.0, glossiness * glossiness); // Occlusion
// Multiply by light irradiance (estimation of texel irradiance)
diffuseShadingOutput(light_str * environment_exposure * Kd);
specularShadingOutput(light_str * environment_exposure * Ks);
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