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Substance 3D Painter Metal/Rough and opacity PBR shader

Import from libraries.

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import lib-pbr.glsl
import lib-bent-normal.glsl
import lib-emissive.glsl
import lib-pom.glsl
import lib-utils.glsl
// Link Metal/Roughness MDL for Iray
//: metadata {
//: "mdl":"mdl::alg::materials::physically_metallic_roughness::physically_metallic_roughness"
//: }

Show back faces as there may be holes in front faces.

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//: state cull_face off

Enable alpha blending

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//: state blend over

Channels needed for metal/rough workflow are bound here.

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//: param auto channel_basecolor
uniform SamplerSparse basecolor_tex;
//: param auto channel_roughness
uniform SamplerSparse roughness_tex;
//: param auto channel_metallic
uniform SamplerSparse metallic_tex;
//: param auto channel_specularlevel
uniform SamplerSparse specularlevel_tex;
//: param auto channel_opacity
uniform SamplerSparse opacity_tex;

Shader entry point.

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void shade(V2F inputs)
// Apply parallax occlusion mapping if possible
vec3 viewTS = worldSpaceToTangentSpace(getEyeVec(inputs.position), inputs);
applyParallaxOffset(inputs, viewTS);
// Fetch material parameters, and conversion to the specular/roughness model
float roughness = getRoughness(roughness_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 baseColor = getBaseColor(basecolor_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float metallic = getMetallic(metallic_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
float specularLevel = getSpecularLevel(specularlevel_tex, inputs.sparse_coord);
vec3 diffColor = generateDiffuseColor(baseColor, metallic);
vec3 specColor = generateSpecularColor(specularLevel, baseColor, metallic);
// Get detail (ambient occlusion) and global (shadow) occlusion factors
// separately in order to blend the bent normals properly
float shadowFactor = getShadowFactor();
float occlusion = getAO(inputs.sparse_coord, true, use_bent_normal);
float specOcclusion = specularOcclusionCorrection(
use_bent_normal ? shadowFactor : occlusion * shadowFactor,
LocalVectors vectors = computeLocalFrame(inputs);
// Feed parameters for a physically based BRDF integration
alphaOutput(getOpacity(opacity_tex, inputs.sparse_coord));
emissiveColorOutput(pbrComputeEmissive(emissive_tex, inputs.sparse_coord));
diffuseShadingOutput(occlusion * shadowFactor * pbrComputeDiffuse(getDiffuseBentNormal(vectors), diffColor));
specularShadingOutput(specOcclusion * pbrComputeSpecular(vectors, specColor, roughness, occlusion, getBentNormalSpecularAmount()));
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