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Metadata for an Entry. It includes useful information such as:

  • size of the file (if a file)
  • date created
  • date modified
  • name

Instantiate EntryMetadata by using Entry's - getMetadata(). In order to instantiate Entry, you will need to first invoke the localFileSystem and then fetch an instance of a File or Folder.


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const fs = require('uxp').storage.localFileSystem;
const folder = await fs.getPluginFolder(); // Gets an instance of Folder (or Entry)
const entryMetaData = await folder.getMetadata();

name : string

The name of the entry.

size : number

The size of the entry, if a file. Zero if a folder.

dateCreated : Date

The date this entry was created.

dateModified : Date

The date this entry was modified.

isFile : boolean

Indicates if the entry is a file

isFolder : boolean

Indicates if the entry is a folder

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